Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Two articles: 1) Eddie Vedder, 2) Reformed Pastor on Super-heros

Two articles I enjoyed today...
  1. Here's an NPR article on the new Eddie Vedder ukulele album coming out.

  2. And, here's another one from a pastor in the Grand Cayman Islands about why the recent comic book movies are no good. I think he's on to something:

    "...honestly, I’d have to say they’ve all thus far been colossal flops (I haven’t seen Captain America yet).

    There’s one reason really. All the heroes are essentially adolescent, irresponsible, and immoral. There’s no “hero” in them. They barely manage to be courageous, and out of costume most are essentially over-sexed mysogynists.

    I realize that good literature refuses to keep everything nice and tidy, good kept to one side and evil to the other. In great literature, tragic realities and horrific pasts give sometimes dark motivations to the noble hero. And occasionally, even the villain has a streak of good running through them.

    But to a one, these films have all disappointed me in their failure to depict any significant virtue."

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