Sunday, November 4, 2007

Need Help With "The Pianist"

Somebody's going to have to help me out with The Pianist. It's been on my need-to-watch list for a while, so I realize I'm having this discussion a little late in the game.

It conveyed that the Nazis were bad...but, I've seen that before. It was mostly about this guy locked up in apartments, being alone. But, it didn't have that I'm-alone sense that Castaway had. Maybe it was about how music can bring even enemies together? But, there was only really one scene that pointed to that. It seems with all the buzz that came along with the movie that there must be some underlying theme that passed me by.


Anonymous said...

I've been meaning to watch this as well. Now I have a good excuse. I'll see if I can't find some time to watch it this weekend and get back to you on it. (Literary critic to the rescue! No seriously. Help me. Ever since my lit. crit. class in college, I can't watch/read/listen to anything without sending it through the Formalistic or Archetypal filter.)

S.D. Smith said...

OK, I haven't seen it, and one reason is what follows. It is a humanistic remake of a genuinely lovely true story (like Hardball, Titanic, etc ad infinitum) where the Christian influence is safely removed and replaced with something pc and palatable(in this case ART) as savior. It mars the truly beautiful story and it make me not want to see it. This from Chuck Colson.

Joshua said...

I did a's a link to (I think) what Sam is talking about.

I'm still processing...