Sunday, September 9, 2007

3:10 to Yuma

3:10 To Yuma is one of the 10 best westerns ever made. Maybe the thrill will leave in a couple days...maybe repeated viewings will lessen its punch. But, for now, I'm going to sleep thinking that a new movie has moved into my top five list of favorite westerns. My conscience won't allow me to give the specifics as to why I like it. ...A quick disclaimer to say that this is one of the most violent movies I've seen in a few years...with that in place, I say, go see this movie before it leaves the theater...go see it before someone spoils any of the movies subtle surprises. 3:10 To Yuma and Unforgiven are the two best westerns made in the last 20 years. If you disagree, let me know what movie I'm missing... I'll end there; hopefully, enticing you to see the movie, without setting it up to let you down.


Anonymous said...

We're going to see it this evening, although I imagine my reasons for wanting to see it (Christian Bale and Russell Crowe OMG) are different than yours. ;)

Truthfully, though, I love westerns. I'm interested to see how they approach this remake.

Joshua said...

Let me know what you think...

Anonymous said...

It was excellent despite that I had the country song "whiskey for men, beer for my horses" running through my head during some parts of it. Also, can they not make a film where Wash (Alan Tudyk's character in Firefly and Serenity) is still alive at the end of the movie?!

But what I found the most interesting was watching Dan Evans struggle with the knowledge that some of the people he'd sided with in the "debate" were as bad as Ben Wade himself. There were some great lines--when it comes out on DVD, I'm going to have to rent it so that I can write them down. Wade's statement of "Every man takes what he wants" sums up the deeper message of the movie rather well.