Tuesday, January 12, 2010


"I pity satirists who might be tempted to try to tweak these segments of the evangelical world. Theirs is a mission impossible. It can no longer be done. No matter how indelicately they might exaggerate, no matter how much they might embellish to make a point, no matter how many descriptions they might offer of the tasteless things that are happening, it will most likely be met with only a yawn and a bored question: 'So...?' Nothing seems improbable. None of it, in fact, ever seems exaggerated and none of it seems improper. It has now become impossible to insult some evangelicals." (David Wells, The Courage to Be Protestant, p 24)

I know I've posted this quote before...but, it seemed appropriate in response to the mailing (pictured above) that I received from World Vision today. I've never seen the words "all-new, fun-packed Famine game" strung together until this evening...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had to smirk when I got this package in the church mail too!