Thursday, November 27, 2008

Roger Ebert on our celebrity driven culture....

If you are interested in hearing Roger Ebert rant and rave about our celebrity culture, read this blog post, "Death to film critics! Hail to the CelebCult!". I enjoyed it. A couple exerpts:

"The CelebCult virus is eating our culture alive, and newspapers voluntarily expose themselves to it. It teaches shabby values to young people, festers unwholesome curiosity, violates privacy, and is indifferent to meaningful achievement. One of the TV celeb shows has announced it will cover the Obama family as "a Hollywood story." I want to smash something against a wall."

"The celebrity culture is infantilizing us. We are being trained not to think. It is not about the disappearance of film critics. We are the canaries. It is about the death of an intelligent and curious, readership, interested in significant things and able to think critically. It is about the failure of our educational system. It is not about dumbing-down. It is about snuffing out."

"Death to film critics! Hail to the CelebCult!"

1 comment:

S.D. Smith said...

Very astute. Thank you.